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nTelos Cares about Teens With a Purpose

Teens With a Purpose is grateful and thrilled to be able to work with nTelos Cares, a division of nTelos Wireless that supports local, community programs throughout Virginia, including Hampton Roads.  nTelos Cares has selected a  Teens With a Purpose (TWP) – The Movement to be the recipient of this campaign and will donate $1 to TWP for every LIKE, SHARE, or TWEET of this post on Facebook or Twitter.

nTelos will donate $1 to Teen With a Purpose (TWP)  in your honor!  It’s easy!  Just “Like” or “Share” our Facebook post and/or “re-tweet” our tweet about TWP with the hashtags #ntelosCaresHR

How Can You Help??

1. Like and share our post on Facebook that end with #ntelosCaresHR

2. Like and share this post from nTelos Wireless on Facebook!

We’re so excited to partner with to benefit TWP: The Movement! Every Facebook ‘Like’, ‘Share’, and ‘Comment’ adds $1 to the BIG Check to support programs for teens in our community! Spread the word #nTelosCaresHR!!

3. Tweet to all of your Twitter friends (just make sure to use the hashtag #nTelosCaresHR)

Suggested tweet: Each RT = $1 for @TWPTHEMOVEMENT supporting local youth in #HRVA #nTelosCaresHR @TWPtheMovement

This promotion will run from March 24 – April 6, 2014. Please help us spread the word, you can even share directly from this post using the Social Sharing buttons below!

Teens With a Purpose (TWP) is committed to developing young leaders who positively impact their neighbors, classmates and schools, governments and congregations.  As youth and families come to TWP for help, we give them hope; we highlight their strengths; we support and encourage them as they transform their lives and communities.

TWP touches practically every facet of a young person’s life.  TWP’s four major programs include:

  1. Peer Leadership Education

  2. Arts Education & Enrichment

  3. HealthE & Teen Camps

  4. Community Outreach

Learn more about TWP and all the great things they’re doing for youth in Hampton Roads.  And check out their calendar of awesome upcoming events!

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